Kalahari Greens Beans, Yard Long ±250g Supplier: Kalahari Greens Local Farm Produce  Yard-long beans, also known as asparagus beans are s.. Product #: Kalahari Greens - 0193 Regular price: N$32.50 N$32.50 In Stock

Beans, Yard Long ±250g

Beans, Yard Long ±250g

Supplier: Kalahari Greens
Quantity in Stock: In Stock
Weight: 0.00g


Local Farm Produce

Yard-long beans, also known as asparagus beans are slender green legumes that can grow up to a meter long. Packed with nutrients, they offer vitamins A, C, and B-complex, fiber, iron and potassium. They promote digestive health, strengthen immunity, support heart health and aid in weight management due to their low-calorie, high-fiber content. A versatile addition to a healthy diet!

* subject to availability *

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